US teams participating in Universiade take exams online

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - The USA team participating in the Universiade-2017 in Almaty plans to pass exams online.    

"The USA team has asked to provide a room for their students so that they had an opportunity to study, do homework, and take exams online. This room has been equipped already", the Director of the Athletic Village Directorate Sanym Sharipova has told.

Not many teams made such requests. The Canadian teams also asked to provide such a room.

"Taking into account the time difference and to help them feel comfortable and get accustomed we made sure they were accommodated in the buildings where the sun rays get to the room only in the second half of the day", - said Sanym Sharipova.


In the athletic village there will stay 407 volunteers, 207 of which are athletes who will help in the sport events. 



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