Turkic-speaking mass media to cover news from Turkestan region

TURKESTAN. KAZINFORM Leading news agencies of Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan entered into a memorandum of cooperation with the Internal Policy Department of Turkestan region, Kazakhstan.

Those signing the documents were: Director of TRT TV Company in Astana Abdülhamit Avşar, Director of IT Department of Kyrgyzstan's KABAR News Agency Kalnur Janybayev, representative of Azerbaijan's ITV Channel in Kazakhstan Füzuli Zülfü oğlu, Deputy Director General of Tatar-Inform Agency Ramis Latipov and Chief of the Internal Policy Department of Turkestan's region's administration Beissen Tazhibayev.

The memorandum is aimed at covering news about Turkestan region and Kazakhstan by Turkic-speaking mass media.

Besides, the document will enable the sides to provide information support in strengthening the unity of Turkic culture and spirituality of fraternal nations. The sides expressed readiness to cooperate in exchange of information, experience and new technologies in journalism.

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