Storm alert is in effect in 15 regions of Kazakhstan

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Storm alert was issued for 15 regions of Kazakhstan for February 18, Kazinform quotes Kazhydromet.

Ground blizzard will sweep through Abai, Akmola, East Kazakhstan regions.

Fog and ice-slick are forecast for Konayev city, Almaty region. Heavy rain and snow as well as fog, ice-slick are in store for the city of Almaty.

High wind will roll through Astana tomorrow.

Zhambyl region is to brace for ground blizzard, high wind of 15-20 m/s.

It will snow in Kostanay, North Kazakhstan regions tomorrow. Ground blizzard, fog and high wind are predicted for the region.

Ice-slick and fog are expected on Saturday in Kyzylorda, Mangistau regions.

Ground blizzard will sweep through Pavlodar, Ulytau regions on February 18.

Fog will blanket Turkistan region and Shymkent city.

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