Senate Speaker Ashimbayev: Kazakhstan keen on holding open, fair and competitive elections

ASTANA.KAZINFORM Chairman of the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament Maulen Ashimbayev and a group of deputies met today with the representatives of the OSCE and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly observation missions who arrived in Astana to monitor the early election of the Majilis and maslikhat deputies, Kazinform reports.

As the Senate’s press service informed, Maulen Ashimbayev thanked the international observers for their response to the invitation to come to Kazakhstan and monitor the election process. The Senate Speaker emphasized that Kazakhstan took all required measures to hold the election in accordance with the national legislation and international standards.

«Kazakhstan is keen on holding open, fair and competitive elections, which is of fundamental importance for ensuring further development as a stable and democratic country. People wait for real changes. We must justify these expectations,» he said.

The Senate Chairman thanked the OSCE and OSCE PA observers for organization of the election observation mission for monitoring the elections in Kazakhstan. He pointed out the high role of the observers in the elections monitoring.

In turn, the parliamentarians noted a high level of preparation for the upcoming elections and expressed hope for further strengthening of inter-parliamentary cooperation.

793 observers representing 12 international organizations and 41 countries will monitor the March 19 parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan.

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