Registration opens for ADB's 53rd Annual Meeting

MANILA. KAZINFORM Registration is now open for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). With the theme: «Asia 2020: Innovation, Inclusiveness, and Integration,» the Annual Meeting will be held from 2–5 May 2020 in Incheon, Republic of Korea.

«We will be focusing on a range of issues facing our region today such as aging populations, gender, inclusive growth, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, technology, and urban mobility, among others,» said ADB Secretary and Annual Meeting main organizer Mr. Eugenue Zhukov. «The meeting will also be the first opportunity for our new President, Mr. Masatsugu Asakawa, to address ADB Governors, and meet with stakeholders from regional and nonregional members, including the private sector and NGOs.»

The Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of the bank and offers a unique opportunity for ADB Governors to engage in in-depth discussions on development issues and challenges facing Asia and the Pacific, the ADB’s official website reads.

Around 5,000 participants are expected to attend, including finance ministers, central bank governors, senior government officials, members of the private sector, representatives of international organizations and civil society organizations, youth, academia, and the media.

Invited participants, including the media (see media invitation), should register online. Others interested in participating will need to be accredited. See accreditation page. For more information about the Annual Meeting, visit this site.

For information and updates on the meeting, visit the Annual Meeting website or follow ADB on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn—and use the hashtag #ADBIncheon.

The Republic of Korea is a founding member of ADB. Before its graduation from ADB borrowing, cumulative approvals to the country totaled $6.3 billion. ADB approved loans to the Republic of Korea from 1968 to 1988 amounting to $2.3 billion, and then provided $4 billion in 1997 in support of reforms after the financial crisis.

The Republic of Korea has contributed $7.4 billion in capital subscription and contributed and committed over $643 million to ADB’s Asian Development Fund. Commercial and official cofinancing by the Republic of Korea amounted to $4.2 billion comprising of 42 investment projects and 5 technical assistance. Furthermore, it has contributed $138 million to 2 trust funds: (i) the e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund; and (ii) the Future Carbon Fund.

This will be the third time the Republic of Korea hosts the Annual Meeting, after Seoul in 1970 and Jeju Island in 2004.

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.

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