Over 7 thousand people with disabilities employed in Kazakhstan in 2014

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Over 7 thousand disabled people were employed to permanent jobs in Kazakhstan in 2014, Deputy Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of Kazakhstan Svetlana Zhakupova informed at the sitting of the committee for social and cultural development and science of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan during the consideration of the Law of Kazakhstan "On ratification of the Convention on the rights of disabled people".

"Last year, we made the employment map jointly with the local executive bodies when they undertook a commitment to employ disabled people within the framework of the Employment Road Map and regional development programs. Speaking of planned indicators, we planned to employ about 12 thousand people with disabilities. In 2014, we employed over 15 thousand people with disabilities and 7300 of them were employed to permanent jobs," she told. She also informed that a plan on improvement of the life quality of the people with disabilities was approved and adopted in Kazakhstan. The plan has three stages and will be implemented by 2018. "Signing the convention on the rights of the people with disabilities, Kazakhstan undertook a commitment in sense of the work for its ratification," she noted. According to her, a great work on making the facilities more available for the people with disabilities has been held over the recent years.

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