N Kazakhstan expects big flood

PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZINFORM - This spring the north of Kazakhstan may get flooded. The flood is predicted to be worse than in 2016.    

The height of snow on the ground and the quantity of the precipitation, compared to annual average indicators, in the region have exceeded the norm twice as much this year.

The depth of soil freezing in spring 2016 caused flooding of some villages in the region.  This year the soil has frozen 15-55 cm deeper than last year. In January, according to meteorological center, the weather may get as cold as -38C which will freeze the soil even worse.

In the third decade of March the temperature may increase to + 8C, which will cause intensive melting of snow. Over 20 settlements, which are 1,500 houses, are under risk of flooding, including the potential of washout of 153 sections of over 50 km of highways and railways.

"Local authorities have foreseen KZT 226 million for prevention and liquidation of any emergency situations caused by flooding", said the head of the local emergency department Askhat Bakishev. There was carried out quite big work in 70 villages of the region to ensure protection of the natural disaster.

According to the rescue service, in 2016 the flood was the strongest in the last 30 years. Over 400 houses in 35 villages were flooded. Over KZT 1,3 billion was spent on liquidation of the aftermath.



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