Majilis elections in Kazakhstan: Upcoming election campaign is new stage in country’s quality development – People’s Party

ASTANA. KAZINFORM – Yermukhamet Yertyssbayev, chairman of the People’s Party of Kazakhstan, commented on the start of the campaign for the elections to maslikhats and Majilis of parliament, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Yertyssbayev pointed out that the upcoming election campaign is a continuation of the previous democratic reforms and a new stage in quality development of the country, and that the reforms of President Tokayev pursue modernization of the country and society.

«A new election campaign started in Kazakhstan. Early elections to the Majilis and maslikhats were announced. Such a decision is a logical continuation of political reforms of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and will be a vivid feature of New Kazakhstan. We support the holding of the elections and are ready to take part, understanding its about the country’s institutional future,» said the chairman of the People’s Party of Kazakhstan.

The Party has been an active participant of the key social and political changes over the years, taking responsibility for decision-making.

«Therefore, in times of external and internal shocks our party calls for quality political renewal so as to have an opportunity to ensure sustainable development of the country and that our citizens are confident in tomorrow. We’re to participate in the elections so as to carry out solutions to meet the current demands of the society for high-quality life. We seek to turn the opportunity we have into an effective instrument to express the interests and opinions of the multinational people of Kazakhstan,» said Yertyssbayev.

He reiterated the People’s Party of Kazakhstan will actively participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Earlier it was reported that Kazakhstan is to hold early elections to the Majilis on March 19, 2023. Elections to maslikhats are expected to take place on the same day.

Kazakh Head of State Tokayev made a statement on holding of the early elections of deputies of the Majilis of parliament and maslikhats.

Also, Tokayev signed the decree dissolving the Majilis of the 7th convocation and holding early elections of the Majilis.

The decree on early termination of the powers of maslikhats of all levels was signed as well.

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