Leading international NGOs evaluated outcomes of Kazakhstan's work in UNSC

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstan played an essential role in the UN Security Council in addressing many of the world's most pressing issues, according to representatives of leading international non-governmental organisations in New York, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan informs.

Ambassador Kairat Umarov and members of the NGO Working Group on UN Security Council Affairs exchanged views on topical international issues and discussed the results of Kazakhstan's two-year work in the UN Security Council during a special meeting of the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the UN on December 5.

"Kazakhstan has always acted impartially and objectively in the UN Security Council. Without reservation, we have accomplished a lot during these two years. The successful work is evidenced by the achievement of all the priorities identified by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in January 2017," Mr. Umarov said at the meeting with representatives of NGOs.

He spoke about the specific results of Kazakhstan's work in the Security Council with regard to each of the seven priorities and achievements made possible due to the efforts of Kazakhstan. Mr. Umarov also expressed appreciation to international NGOs for supporting the Kazakh delegation and assisting in disseminating the main messages and positions of Kazakhstan on complex global challenges.

"We are open to dialogue with you and are ready to continue close contacts and partnership on all key issues on the global and regional agenda," the Ambassador added.

The practical result of the intensive two-year work of Kazakhstan in the UN Security Council include the expansion of nuclear disarmament and trust in world politics, a three-pronged security and development strategy, the first visit in seven years of a high-ranking delegation of the UN Security Council to Afghanistan, the deployment of Kazakhstan's peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, the launch of a Code of Conduct Towards Achieving a World Free of Terrorism, and the lifting of multi-year Security Council sanctions from Eritrea. Mr. Umarov pointed out that the implementation of all the above matters and initiatives will be continued by Kazakhstan in the future.

The chairman of the NGO Working Group, the head of Amnesty International's UN office, Renzo Pomi, noted that Kazakhstan has established itself as a responsible and active advocate of peace and development, and has spared no effort to realise its ambitions.

The meeting participants highly appreciated and thanked Kazakhstan for its constructive contribution and active position on many critical global problems in the main UN body responsible for maintaining peace and security.

The NGO Working Group on the UN Security Council Affairs consists of 37 non-governmental organizations in the fields of humanitarian freedoms, human rights, disarmament, global governance and development, including Amnesty International, Save the Children, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam International, and the World Federation of United Nations Associations.

The NGO Working Group annually holds around 40-45 informal meetings with UNSC members and UN officials to exchange views and information on pressing questions on the UN Security Council agenda.


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