ESSARY KASSYMOV  (1802-1847) - state figure, commander, head of 1837-1847 National-Liberation Struggle of the Kazakh people against the Russian Empire, last Khan of the Kazakh Khanate (1841-1847), grandson of Ablay Khan.

At an early age Kenessary became famous for his leadership and organizational skills,  he stood out from his peers and won respect of people. Kenessary's political views were formed in difficult years of the 1st quarter of the XIX century when the Russian Empire more and more penetrated into the depths of the Kazakh steppes. Colonization of Kazakhstan aroused mass protests of the Kazakhs. Namely in this period, during the Kazakh National-Liberation Struggle Kenessary joined the political leaders of his nation.

In 1841 Kenessary was elected Khan of the Kazakh Khanate. His policy pursued one aim - to revive the Khanate's former greatness. Kenessary introduced main principles of Shariah to state administration and brought court system to its previous level. The Khan who had perfect knowledge of ways of strengthening the state and army affirmed Muslim judicial rules. Tax policy was also directed on ensuring efficient levies.

Kenessary pursued policy on strengthening discipline in state administration based on the principles of his grandfather Ablay Khan. In 1846 Russian troops and Kazakh sultans who had accepted colonizer's policy drove him out of the lands belonging to the Small and Middle Zhuzs. In spring 1838 Kenessary started his anti-colonial struggle from burning Akmola fortress. Then Kenessary headed his troops to Torgay. In 1841 after coming of Kenessary to the throne participants of rebellion activated military actions and surrounded Zhulek, Akmechet, Zhanakorgan, Sozak fortresses occupied by the Kokand army. Kenessary realized that his main purpose - gaining independence of the Kazakhs - could be reached only due to unity of all three Zhuzs in struggle against common enemy. However, even in most difficult years of the National-Liberation Struggle, in 1844-1845, the Kazakhs could not joint their forces.

Being a khan, politician and diplomat Kenessary succeeded in gathering significant part of the Kazakh clans of three Zhuzs under his banner. The total number of his troops reached 20 000 people. Many sultans and judges of the Middle Zhuz joined the struggle.  

Kenessary gave special attention to the structure of the state; he introduced new forms and rules and revived lost structural bodies. Internal policy in the Khanate was under his tough control. In spite of significant success reached in certain periods (1843-1844) the National-Liberation Struggle headed by Kenessary was defeated. Kenessary settled in the areas of the Senior Zhuz on the border with Kirgiz lands.

Kenessary died in an unequal fight near Tokmak lands. 

Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 3

Book "Historical Figures"  

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