Kazakhstan announces top 5 national companies

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - Results of the recent research on the top 5 national companies conducted by Rating.kz agency are in. Kazmunaigas, KEGOC, Kazakhtelecom, Tau-Ken Samruk National Ore Mining Company and Kazakhstan TemirZholy made the top 5 of the ranking.

National Company KazMunayGas JSC has unseated the leader of the 2013 ranking KEGOC JSC to become the new Number 1. Kazatomprom JSC and United Chemical Company LLP slid down switching places with Kazakhtelecom JSC and Kazakhstan TemirZholy JSC that moved up. Based on results of the first quarter of 2014, Kazatomprom JSC, Kazakhstan Engineering JSC, Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary JSC, Air Astana JSC and SK Pharmacy LLP were named the least effective companies. At №2 is KEGOC JSC that is comparatively stable maintaining its status in the top 3 for the second year in a row. The company is gearing up to join the People's IPO program this year. Kazakhtelecom JSC leapfrogged up to the third place above the ore mining giant Tau-Ken Samruk LLP. This is really good news for the company that will celebrate its jubilee this year. The №4 of the ranking Tau-Ken Samruk LLP is planning to become the largest ore mining company in the country by 2022 by introducing advanced technologies and world's best practice. The top 5 roster includes Kazakhstan TemirZholy JSC elbowing aside its opponents. An outsider back in 2013, the company demonstrated impressive results in the railway sector and made its way to the fifth spot of this year's ranking.

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