Kazakh weightlifters win 10 medals at youth championships in Albania

Фото: facebook.ashatoralov.com
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakh weightlifters won seven gold, two silver and one bronze medals at the 2023 Youth World Weightlifting Championships in Albania, thus raising the country to the top of the medal count, Kazinform learned from the Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Gold medal winners are Yerassyl Saulebekov (73kg) and Nikita Abdrakhmanov (102kg). Both athletes grabbed gold medals in the snatch, clean, and jerk combination.

Silver medalists are Nurdos Sabyr (89kg) and Taissiya Alekseyeva (64kg).

«My congratulations to the athletes and Kazakhstani fans on this achievement. I wish further success and new bright victories to the young weightlifters!» Minister Askhat Oralov posted inFacebook.

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