Kazakh Ambassador to Great Britain meets with British Expertise and D-Group members

LONDON. KAZINFORM Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Great Britain Mr. Erzhan Kazykhanov met yesterday with members of the British Expertise and the D-Group.The meeting was attended by the heads of Aggreco, ARUP, Areen Design, Areen Hospitality, Bechtel, Blackthorne, Civil Aviation Authority International, Crown Agents, G4S, GPW, MottMacDonald, Schneider Group, SunFarm, Tensar, UKS3 Ltd, and Weir Minerals.

The Ambassador briefed heads of the UK companies on the economic and political reforms taking place in Kazakhstan, the basic provisions of the President's State-of-the-Nation Address "Nurly Zhol - Path to the Future", Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy and "100 Specific Steps" of the President of Kazakhstan to implement the five institutional reforms, as well as preparations for the International specialized exhibition EXPO 2017.

Mr. Erzhan Kazykhanov noted that Kazakhstan is one of the economic drivers in Central Asia. Our country shows a stable economic development and paves the way for the goal to rank among the 30 most developed countries in the world. He briefed representatives of the UK companies on a project of the Astana International Financial Centre and called on them to take an active part in its implementation. Representatives of the UK companies highly appreciated the reforms in our country and emphasized a progressive growth of the Kazakhstan economy, as well as expressed interest in an implementation of joint industrial and innovative projects. Source: Website of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Great Britain http://www.kazembassy.org.uk/en/articles/article/81

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