Great Eurasia contours being shaped before our very eyes, says Nursultan Nazarbayev

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Addressing the 4th annual meeting of the Astana Club, Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev has outlined several key markers and risks of a new reality, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"The mounting differences between the major powers aggravate the instability of the present-day world order, making events less predictable. We have not seen such a confrontation for a long time. The so-called post-bipolar world order is definitively becoming history. Before our very eyes, the contours of Greater Eurasia are being shaped," the President said.

According to him, both the changing political landscape of global players and the growing competition between regional powers influence this process. "And all of them still cannot overcome the fundamental divisions on the major issue - the future format of the world order," he added.

"The aggravation of geopolitical rivalry between Russia, the U.S., and the PRC is not only in a global context but also within the perimeter of Greater Eurasia. There have always been challenges in this strategic triangle, if we recall the history. However, the controllability level has sharply declined in recent years.

From now on, large-scale crises are possible as never before. The probability of incidents that could escalate into full-fledged conflicts hugely increasing. Misunderstandings, blunders in crisis situations can result in military confrontation," said Nursultan Nazarbayev.


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