Fixed investments in Nayryzbay district of Almaty made 7.5bln tenge in 2016

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Mayor of Nauryzbay district of Almaty Sairan Saifedenov announced the results of the district's socio-economic development in 9 months of 2016 and the work conducted as part of implementation of 100 Specific Steps National Plan.

Nauryzbay district was established in 2014. Its population is 157,000 people. The area of the district is 6,967ha or 69.67sq m (10.1% of the city’s territory).

At a briefing held in the office of the Regional Communications Service, Saifedenov told about the economic indicators of the district.

In his words, the amount of tax revenues in the district made 3.7bln tenge as of 21 October 2016,  against 2.2bln tenge in the same period in 2015. So, dynamics of growth is 170.1%. 

The volume of fixed investments in the district made 7.5bln tenge that is 3.6 times higher compared to the last year (due to construction).  

Saifedenov told also about the plans of work under the Business Road Map 2020 programme: 874mln tenge will be spent on the following purposes – repair of a kindergarten (5.2mln tenge), repair of three schools (22.5mln tenge),      repair of an outpatient hospital (13mln tenge), repair of 22km of roads (392.5bln tenge), repair of 8.3km of irrigation canals (146mln tenge), repair of 427 outdoor lighting lines   (79.7mln tenge) and repair of 11 yards (172.2mln tenge).

Since 2014, the district has built an extension to School No. 157 for 1,200 school students, a new  outpatient hospital in Kalkaman micro-district for 200 visits, 4.7km of roadsides, 1.6km of irrigation canals, 2 new wells and a square covering the area of 1,400 sq m. The district attracted also investors for building 16 sport and children’s playgrounds.

Construction of several facilities is underway in the district. Besides, schools and kindergartens are built in the district under a PPP contract.

It is noteworthy to say that development of public-private partnership is reflected in the 34th Step of the 100 Specific Steps National Plan on implementation of the Five Institutional Reforms. This issue is  under a special control of the President of Kazakhstan.


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