Financial support programs for entrepreneurs start in Kazakhstan

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM Three financial support programs for entrepreneurs implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects are to be launched in Kazakhstan in the near future, the official website of the UNDP Kazakhstan reads.

Two financial programs include partial subsidizing of the loan principal of projects in the field of:

- Energy Efficiency under the UNDP Kazakhstan Project and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Sustainable Cities for Low Carbon Development;

- Small-scale renewable energy sources under the project UNDP-GEF «De-risking investments in renewable energy sources».

And the third, the loan guarantee program under the project of UNDP and the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MIID) «Creating conditions for attracting investors for energy efficiency in Kazakhstan».

Entrepreneurs can receive additional information and recommendations on the preparation of business plans by sending a summary of their project to the e-mail address

Cooperation of UNDP in Kazakhstan and Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC with financial support from MIID and GEF made the launch of the financial support programs possible.

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