E Kazakhstan, EBRD sign KZT 87B worth of credit agreements

UST KAMENOGORSK-BEIJING. KAZINFORM Ust Kamenogorsk Transport Company and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed a credit agreement up to KZT 5.4 billion at today's Central Asian Investment Forum, the Governor's press service reports. 

The project under the agreement is aimed at improving the service quality increase and environmental improvement in the city. It provides for acquiring 85 buses compliant with EURO 5 ecological standard.

Besides, EBRD and Universal Energy Co., Ltd signed a preliminary agreement worth KZT 17.5 billion on realization of the solar power station construction project with a capacity of 30 MW in Zharminsky district.

It is noteworthy that East Kazakhstan region and EBRD signed credit agreements to the amount of KZT 87.5 billion on 13 projects.


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