Canadian business interested in implementing mining projects in Kazakhstan

VANCOUVER. KAZINFORM Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Canada Akylbek Kamaldinov and representative of Kazakh Invest JSC in North America Galymzhan Matayev took part in the annual international mining conference-exhibition «AME BC Roundup-2023» in Vancouver. The conference annually receives about 5 thousand participants from 50 countries of the world, Kazinform learned from the press office of the Kazakh MFA.

On the sidelines of the event, the Kazakh delegation held meetings with a number of companies in the mining sector of Canada considering the possibility of developing business cooperation with our country. The heads of the companies positively received the information about the subsoil use and geological surveys carried out in Kazakhstan, and also expressed their readiness to discuss specific projects and plans for entering the Kazakh market


The delegation participated also in «Mining in a transitional world: trends and opportunities in Eurasia» sub-session, dedicated to the investment attractiveness of the mining industry in Central Asia, Turkiye and Mongolia, organized by the Canada-Eurasia Chamber of Commerce.

In his speech, the Ambassador informed the participants about the implementation of economic reforms in Kazakhstan, as well as about the measures taken to further improve the business environment in the country. In their presentations, representatives of the Embassy and Kazakh Invest made a special emphasis on the existing potential of new deposits of natural resources in Kazakhstan, as well as rare earth metals.

At the end of the visit, the delegation took part in a business meeting with the heads of 30 companies of the province of British Columbia. The event was organized and moderated by Canadian Senator Victor Oh, who visited Astana in November 2022 as an independent observer at the presidential elections in Kazakhstan.

In his welcoming speech, Ambassador Kamaldinov informed about the achievements of our country in creating the most favorable legislative conditions for doing business, and also told the success stories of Canadian companies already operating in Kazakhstan.

Following the results of the event, Canadian companies were invited to participate in the Kazakh-Canadian business forum, which will be held on March 5, 2023 at the site of the International Mining Conference «Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada» in Toronto.

Photo: press office of the Kazakh MFA

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