Almaty in COVID-19 ‘yellow' zone

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM The Interdepartmental Commission for the prevention of the COVID-19 spread has published a matrix of estimation of the epidemiological situation in the regions of the country.

As per the matrix, the city of Almaty stands in a ‘yellow’ zone, the medium-risk zone in terms of spread of COVID-19. 112 fresh coronavirus cases were confirmed in the city in the past 24 hours.

On July 4, for the first time in several months, Almaty moved to the ‘yellow’ zone. For this reason, chief sanitary officer of Almaty city Kassymkhan Alpysbaiuly issued a new decree as per which the employees with contraindications to vaccination, pregnant women, and persons who were in contact with COVID-19 patients are transferred to remote work. All individuals are recommended to wear masks in public places, namely in buses, subways, shopping malls, indoor markets, public service centers, banks, cinemas, theaters, circuses, concert halls, bus stations, at sports events held with spectators as well as during conferences. The decree comes into force from 00:00 am on July 7.

All other regions are still in the ‘green’ zone.

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