Alem Barysy championship kicks off in Almaty

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Alem Barysy Ultimate World Championship in Qazaq Kuresi has kicked off in the city of Almaty. The competition is dedicated to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.

President of the National Qazaq Kuresi Federation Dauren Abayev and Olympic champion Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov addressed the participants with a speech of welcome.

«It took Japan 30 years to achieve the inclusion of Judo into the Olympic games programme. We all should take every effort to raise Qazaq Kuresi to this level too,» Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov said.

«It is one of the large-scale projects promoting Qazaq Kuresi as an Olympic sport. I am absolutely confident that today’s event will greatly contribute to the development of Qazaq Kuresi,» Dauren Abayev noted.

33 wrestlers from 30 countries gathered in Almaty for the championship.

Kazakhstan is represented by A.Nugymarov (East Kazakhstan region), R.Abdrazakov (Almaty), M.Issagabylov (Kyzylorda region) and N.Zharylgapov (Mangistau region).

The prize fund of the championship is 20mn tenge.

The organizers of the event are Mayor’s Office of Almaty, the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Kazakhstan, Qazaq Kuresi Federation and Qazaqstan Barysy Fund.

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