AI to help Kazakhstan fight coronavirus infection

SEMEY. KAZINFORM – Semey Medical University and XLabs inked a cooperation agreement on the introduction of artificial intelligence in terms of fight against COVID-19 in Kazakhstan, Kazinform has learnt from the press service of the Ministry of Healthcare.

After two weeks of negotiations, the sides signed the agreement with the support of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the initiative of the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan based in San Francisco (the Silicon Valley).

The goal of the project is to collect Big Data, analyze data on the spread of the novel virus, analyze data on the epidemiological situation in Kazakhstan and other countries, compare measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection, and so on.

The Ministry of Healthcare believes that Kazakhstan will greatly benefit from the agreement by getting access to the latest and most effective measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic. It will also get experience in terms of data collection and analysis.

XLabs has been involved in the development of AI for medical purposes and applications for many years.

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