6th international investment forum began in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The 6th international investment forum "Astana Invest-2015" began in Astana.

"The forum is held in order to have a constructive dialogue between the Astana administration, key participants of business processes in Kazakhstan and big players of the world market for ensuring maximum favourable conditions for development of the capital city of Kazakhstan and the country in general. The key tasks include assistance in attraction of foreign investors, reconstruction and development of the existing assets, promotion of new projects. An exhibition of investment projects of industrial parks and zones will be organized within the forum," the organizers told.

Heads of the ministries and departments of Kazakhstan, heads of the regions, representatives of Kazakhstani and foreign big business, international experts and investors, trade chambers and associations take part in the work of the forum held from October 28 through October 30.

It was noted that the Kazakh-Emirati business forum is organized for the first time within the framework of the Astana Invest this year. The forum is a dialogue platform between Arab investors and the business society of Kazakhstan. Exhibitions and demonstrations called "Made in Astana", "Smart Astana", "Astana EXPO-2017", "Modern city transport" will be organized as well.

Besides, it is expected that Kazakhstani and foreign companies will sign memorandums totaling USD 1.99 bln within the framework of the event.

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