3 000 former Kazakhstan nationals domiciled in Germany come back to Kazakhstan

ASTANA.KAZINFORM - Only within the last two years, three thousand ethnic Germans who obtained permanent place of residence in Germany some years ago returned to Kazakhstan, deputy of the Kazakhstan Majilis from People's Assembly Yegor Kappel briefed today the Service of central communications.

"Just over two years,three thousand ethnic Germans, who moved to Germany, came back to Kazakhstan ",he said. According to him, about one million Germans were deported to Kazakhstan under the soviet regime. During perestroika many of them moved to their homeland. "Today, they live in Germany, we call them the Kazakhs, and they also call themselves the Kazakhs. I keep in touch with them. They have desire to repay their moral debt to the country and its people who had hosted them,the deported people, in the harsh winter. They are not indifferent to our country's life," E.Kappel said.

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