Russia, India to hold military drills in March

MOSCOW. KAZINFORM - The Joint India-Russia military drills on demining is due to be held in March in India, the Russian Defense Ministry press service said in a statement on Tuesday.

"Joint training...on humanitarian demining are scheduled to take place on the territory of the Republic of India in March," the statement reads.

Earlier in the day, the delegation of Russia's Airborne Forces arrived in the city of Pune to participate in a conference on joint peacekeeping exercises scheduled for the first quarter of 2016, according to the statement.

In November 2015, Russia and India held the joint Indra exercises on counterterrorism. In mid-December, joint Russia-India naval drills, Indra Navy, took place in the Bay of Bengal to practice the surface ships protection, reports.
Photo: © Sputnik/ Igor Zarembo

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