PyeongChang 2018: Kazakh speedskaters hit top 25 in men’s 500m

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Three Kazakh athletes competed in the 500m speed skating race at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, Kazinform cites the National Olympic Committee.

As a result of the competition, Stanislav Palkin and Artyom Krikunov hit the top 25 best speedskaters by finishing 24th and 25th, respectively. As to Roman Krech, he finished the race in the 35th place.

It was Norway's Havard Lorentzen who took men's 500m gold setting the new Olympic-record time of 34.41 seconds. Silver was taken by Cha Min Kyu of South Korea, while Chinese Gao Tingyu grabbed bronze.
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