Kazakhstan's Presidency in UN Security Council ‘effective', says U.S. Ambassador

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - U.S. Ambassador to Kazakhstan George A. Krol says Kazakhstan's Presidency in the UN Security Council was effective, Kazinform reports. 

At the press conference in Astana on Friday, American diplomat said the U.S. highly appreciates the outcomes of Kazakhstan's work as the President of the UN Security Council. According to him, Donald Trump told President Nursultan Nazarbayev that Kazakhstan's one-month Presidency was very effective and professional.

Ambassador Krol reminded that Kazakhstan's Permanent Representative to the UN Kairat Umarov arranged the first ever trip of all Permanent Representatives of the UN Security Council to Afghanistan, including U.S. ambassador Nikki Hailey.

He went on to stress that the U.S. considers the Astana process as an effective tool in the settlement of the situation in Syria and commends efforts of its participants.

It is to be recalled that Kazakhstan has wrapped up its Presidency in the UN Security Council. In its work, Kazakhstan was guided by the Policy Address by President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's Concept Vision on Sustaining Global Partnership for Secure, Just and Prosperous World" and its pragmatic national interests.

Kuwait assumed the Presidency in the UN Security Council in February.

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