Kazakh young men detained in Egypt on their way home

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Six Kazakhstanis who were detained in Egypt earlier will return home, Kazinform has learnt from official spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anuar Zhainakov.

Zhainakov confirmed that six Kazakhstani nationals were accompanied to the airport of Cairo by Kazakhstani diplomats to get back home. The Egyptian Homeland Security service informed the Embassy of Kazakhstan on Tuesday evening that all six young men will be deported. Right after that the Consul of Kazakhstan went to the airport to organize required procedures and met with the Kazakhstani nationals there.

According to the spokesperson, all six young men are safe and sound. They will return to Kazakhstan in the coming days. He added that the reasons for detention of six nationals in Egypt haven't been disclosed yet.

Zhainakov noted that the Egyptian side assured the ministry that all details of the detention will be provided later.

Earlier it was reported that Kazakhstan filed a note of protest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt over the situation around the detention of six Kazakhstani citizens in Cairo.

"It's been 12 days since six nationals of Kazakhstan have gone missing in Cairo. According to reliable reports, they were detained by Egyptian law-enforcement agencies on the night of July 19. Until the present moment we have received no official notifications from the Egyptian side with explanations regarding the circumstances and reasons for detention. At this moment we don't know their whereabouts," Zhainakov said on Tuesday morning. He added that repeated negotiations with the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and representatives of law-enforcement agencies had no effect.


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