Dubai-Almaty plane forced to land in Shymkent

SHYMKENT. KAZINFORM An aircraft en route from Dubai to Almaty made an emergency landing at the airport of Shymkent, Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the representatives of the airline, the flight direction changed twice.

"FlyDubai FZ735 flight to Almaty was diverted to Tashkent due to bad weather conditions. During the flight, one of the passengers felt unwell. As a result, the flight was redirected to Shymkent. After the passenger was provided with medical help, she stayed in Shymkent, while other passengers continued their flight to Almaty. We would like to apologize to passengers for any inconvenience caused," the carrier's statement says.

Paramedics revealed that the 30-year-old female passenger from Dubai felt unwell.

"It was epilepsy. They called at 06.22 a.m., and the ambulance arrived at 06.30 a.m.," said employees of Registrar's Office of the hospital.

The paramedics also said that the woman refused admission to the hospital.


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